Babi Yar guided visit
September, 29, 1941 is one of the most horrible dates in Kiev’s history. It was the beginning of the tragedy in Babi Yar, where more than 150 thousands of city people were massacred by the Nazis.
Babi Yar is the natural ravine in northwestern Kiev, Ukraine, which was chosen by German occupational forces as a place for massive murdering of Jewish, Roma, Ukrainian and other people. Actually one of the residential areas and a park are located near the ravine.
In late September 1945, a few days after the occupation of the city, placards appeared on city buildings’ walls, ordering all Jewish people, under a threat of death penalty, gather on the road crossing near Babi Yar. According to German documents, about 30 thousands of people were killed there only in first three days. And it was only the start of the tragedy. Ukrainian nationalists, mental patients, war prisoners and other unwanted people followed numerous Jewish population of Kiev. Horrible fascist atrocities lasted about 2 years.
In Soviet times, government tried to hide the facts of the tragedy, especially its Jewish nature. During the years of 60th, people who wanted to put flowers near the ravine were arrested for 15 days under the accusation of littering the city.
Only in 1976 first memorial dedicated to Soviet citizens and war prisoners appeared in Babi Yar. Another one – Menorah – was erected in early 90th. Wooden cross commemorating executed Ukrainian nationalists, as well as crosses near the wooden church in a memory of shot priests can be seen too.
A small monument to children killed in Babi Yar appeal to very deep emotions.
During Babi Yar guided visit, you are offered to learn more sad facts about this place and the events related to it. For you to see the exact place of massive executions, the ravine itself and the park joined to it, the memorial complex of Babi Yar, and other monuments.
It is possible to visit Babi Yar by private or public transport.
A visit to ancient St.Cyril church may be joined to this tour (located in 5 bus stations from the site).
Pictures of Babi Yar. October 2016
Monument to Tatiana Marcus, a member of Kiev underground, executed by Nazi
Monument to fascist regimes victims
Commemoration of Roma
Monument to Ostarbeiters and concentration camp prisoners
Monument to Soviet citizens shot by the Nazi occupiers at Babi Yar
Wooden cross in memory of the Ukrainian nationalists
Stone marking the site for a planned Jewish community center

Monument to children killed at Babi Yar
Alley of martyrs
Gipsy-cart monument
Menorah-shaped monument to the Jews massacred at Babi Yar
Place of massive executions
Orthodox Christian church
If you have any questions about this tour,
or you would like to order this tour,
please contact us by cell: +38 (067) 944-81-26
or e-mail